About the Department

About the Department - The Department of Zoology, I.S.P G College Allahabad was established in the year 2001 under self finance scheme. Dr. R.N. Srivastava ,Dr. Manisha Tripathi and Dr. V.C. Srivastava were the founder member of the Department of Zoology. Presently there are two faculty members Dr. Jaya Tripathi is the Convener of the department and Ms. Anu Saroj is the other faculty member. All the faculty members are actively contributing to the academic and administrative activities of the college. The Department has one well equipped laboratory for practical of B.Sc. classes.
The Department has conducted some Lectures of Zoology by the eminent scientists for the academic benefit of B.Sc. students under the Science Extention Program in 2010, Three days workshop “Entrepreneurship awareness” from October 03-05, 2013 , Industrial Visit and Training to CORDET, IFFCO, Phulpur, Prayagraj on April,10,2019, Poster Competition “Biotechnology for Human Welfare” on October,03,2019, Speech Competition on the Topic “Post Independence Development in the Field of Biology on July 19, 2022 and Seminars or presentations by students where students get a platform to develop speaking skills as well as effectively organize their subject matter.
The faculty members of the department take theory and practical classes according to their scheduled time table. Apart from class room teaching our teachers give ample time to their students to remove their problems. Instead of teaching, we also motivate our students to participate in different inter institutional competitions.
We also help them for future planning of career and provide counseling accordingly. Our students achieved many prizes in inter institutional competitions and have been selected in Civil services (Mr. Rajnish kumar Mishra -City Magistrate , Prayagraj), MBBS (Ms.Poornima Jaiswal), Assistant Professor (Dr.Shikha Mehta and Dr. Madhulika Srivastava),Assistant Registrar,University of Allahabad.(Mr. Keshav Kishor Upadhyay), Campus interview and other competitive examinations. Dr. Jaya Tripathi has published 09 international research papers and 07 book chapters. She is Assistant Coordinator, Students Welfare Committee, Member of Anti Ragging Squad, Iswar Saran P.G. College, Prayagraj and Member of Editorial Board in Journal of Entomology and Applied Science Letter.
Faculty Members

Faculty-Self Finance

Faculty-Self Finance
News & Updates
Department Notice Board
Departments Events
Thrust Areas
- Cell Biology
- Animal Cytogenetics
- Molecular Biology
- Genetic Engineering
- Environmental Biology
Course Outline
S.No. | Description | View |
1 | Course Outline | View |
Time table
S.No. | Description | View |
1 | Time Table | View |
Contact Details
Work Plan
WORK PLAN 2022-2023
Date and Month |
Events |
July,2022 |
Session Start |
July-September ,2022 |
First term Theory and Practical Classes |
October-November,2022 |
Second term Theory and Practical Classes Student’s activity (Presentations/Seminars). |
December-January,2022 |
Third term Theory and Practical Classes |
December,2022 |
Tests and Internal Assessment Examination |
January,2023 |
Revision of Practical |
Last week of January,2023 |
Rehearsal Practical Test |
February,2023 |
University Practical Examination |
March-May,2023 |
University Theory Examination |
June,2023 |
Summer Vacation |